- BY Bianca Miller
- POSTED IN Uncategorized
The best motivational speakers are those people whose message has the largest influence on the masses. Their message, as simple as it may be, has a profound effect on the population and causes them to adopt it. The best motivational speakers often gain clout for the simplest of ideas, however upon further reflection one may realise that the ideas are not quite as simple as one initially thought. In fact, all the more credit must go to the best speakers, since their ability to mask a somewhat complex idea in very simplistic language is what makes their ideas so popular and accessible. Two of the best motivational speakers – Eric Thomas and Debra Searle – do everything mentioned above and beyond. Let us explore how they became motivational speakers and the messages that they preach.
Eric Thomas is a motivational speaker from the United States. He was, in fact, a high school dropout and has since enjoyed working with many major sporting teams in NFL, MLB and NBA. Eric is well known for his “high-energy messages” which have influenced the lives of millions of people worldwide. Eric has used his life experiences to affect the lives of those who may have been (or currently be) in a similar position to that which he was in. Eric’s message is very simple, yet poignant: “Greatness is Upon where can i buy phentermine online uk you! You better act like it!”. This quotation would suggest that Eric’s message is all about being positive and seizing opportunities when they come your way. I believe that the fact that his messages are delivered with such enthusiasm is what makes them stick in the minds of millions.
Debra Searle is, put bluntly, an amazing human being. She has written books, presented shows, won gold medals for GB and even rowed (solo!) across the Atlantic ocean. Debra is rather similar to Eric, since both speakers suggest that one ought to develop a positive attitude in order to succeed. For Debra, it is vital that a person should choose the right attitude as it will allow them to enhance their social and working lives. Debra often speaks from personal experience which is what makes her one of the best motivational speakers. She uses her experience of rowing across the Atlantic to show people how and why they should change their attitude for the better.
As we can see, these are two phenomenal individuals. The reason that they are so excellent is because they are so committed to their message. They spread their message with such pride that it is almost impossible not to listen to what they are saying. For more information on the best motivational speakers visit www.biancamiller.uk or contact bookings@biancamiller.uk .