16 Jan 2019

Inspirational speaking is not a something one is naturally gifted at. The simple truth is that anybody can do it; with some hard work and practice a shy, nervous mumbler can be transformed into a bold, informative inspirational speaker. There are two main ways such an evolution can be achieved. First, as previously mentioned, through good practice and training. Second, through self-evaluation and goal setting. Remember, the person the audience see speaking does not have to be you, per se, instead through the medium of speaking one is given the opportunity for freedom of expression.


First in the guide for inspirational speaking is practice and training. It takes just a few clicks and in a matter of seconds you have gained access a plethora of speaking tuition and material. The fantastic thing about inspirational speaking is that the whole premise of such a concept (reaching a large audience) means one can easily find hours and hours of good examples and models to learn how to speak from. Famous inspirational speakers are famous for a reason, so I personally would recommend to start with them. Michelle Obama to name just one is a consummate inspirational speaker, and I would highly recommend giving her a watch. One you have such useful examples in hand, practice their speeches in the mirror or on friends. Your target as an inspirational speaker is not to persuade or inform, but to motivate and inspire the audience to do as you say. Clearly then, any speech is only as good as the words being said.


This brings me on nicely to my second top tip in this beginners guide to inspirational speaking – self-evaluation and goal setting. Before writing or delivering and inspirational speech, ask yourself this. What do I aim to achieve by speaking? What do I want the audience to feel as a result of my speech? And finally, what can I do to make my speech memorable? Once these questions have been answered, only then will you have a clear idea of your aim, and will thus be able to target and hone your speech to get to the very core of what you want to say. As well as using persuasive and inspiring words, the delivery is equally as important. If you portray a sad, emotional speaker guess what your audience will feel? Correct – sad and emotional. By the same reasoning an inspirational speaking must be motivating, exciting and frankly inspiring.


To summarise, inspirational speaking through practice and self-evaluation, and is accessible to absolutely everybody. I would highly recommend taking the aforementioned points onboard, as I can personally vouch that these very tips helped me turn from a bland mumbler into and engaging and motivating speaker. To get in touch about inspirational speaking or for more information on Bianca Miller-Cole please email bookings@biancamiller.uk  02086679519 or visit www.biancamiller.uk.