11 Feb 2019

Social media is one of the biggest advancements of the recent decades. The surge in usage of platforms such as Instagram, Facebook or Snapchat shows just how invested people are in social media marketing. People also have the potential to become social media influencers – individuals with large followings on social media platforms (often signified by a blue tick next to their name) who promote goods, services or themselves through the use of social media platforms. These individuals hold a strong connection with their followers whereby the followers are often inspired by the way in which they influencers behave. Therefore, it could be argued that the influencers play a key role in determining the actions, behaviours and attitudes of their followers. You may ask, what has this got to do with popular motivational speakers? Well, I would argue that social media influencers and popular motivational speakers have many things in common. Moreover, I would argue that social media influencers have the potential to become popular motivational speakers and vice versa.


The first trait that popular motivational speakers and social media influencers have in common is that they often have a message which they are trying to get across to the public in order to help them better their lives. This message needn’t be overly complex, but it must be something which can force a change for the good. One of my favourite online influencers is Alfie Deyes – a Youtube star who runs the channel “PointlessBlog”. Alfie has been making fun videos and  vlogs for a while now, but it is his life mantra which has struck me over the past few years. Alfie advocates a very simple message – do your future self a favour and work hard today. The beauty of this simple catchphrase is that everyone can understand it. Moreover, everyone has the potential to work harder since it merely requires a shift in mindset rather than an acquisition of goods, for example. This is what makes Alfie very similar to a popular motivational speaker; he is able to reach a large audience with such a simple message.


A second feature that influencers and popular motivational speakers have in common is that they are always able to use things from their lives to help other people. This is key as it allows one to build a strong relationship with an audience. An example that sticks in my mind is Joe Weller; another Youtube star. Joe released a documentary following his boxing match with KSI which showed his preparation for the fight. The documentary was amazing because it showed the struggles that Joe went through and the way in which he was able to overcome these difficulties. As such, he truly did act as a popular motivational speaker may do by the fact that he was able to inspire people by showing them how he overcame hardship.
In summary I hope you can see how social media influencers are very much like popular motivational speakers. Perhaps, one day we will see more influencers become popular motivational speakers. To get in touch or for more information on Bianca Miller-Cole and popular motivational speakers please email bookings@biancamiller.uk , call 02086679519 or visit www.biancamiller.uk