Jun 2019
- BY Bianca Miller
- POSTED IN Forbes, Latest Blogs
Career success does not fall from the sky. Those who wish to move up the career ladder must not only take advantage of activities that drive recognition, they must also internalize a few principles that will enable them to take their career destiny into their own hands. Continue reading to find out more…

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“What are you doing professionally?” – “Do you enjoy your area of work?” – “Where do you see yourself in five years time?” No doubt, these are a few the most frequently asked questions in our professional lives. Regardless of what industry you work in, be it hospitality, finance, consultancy, or manufacturing, to head any organisation, no matter the industry, you must work hard to get there.
Be a Boss
For many employees, the thought of being a boss can be both overwhelming and fulfilling. On the one hand, the rewards are very attractive. However, on the other hand, the responsibility for the day to day operations and decision-making lies solely on them. This is the reason why many employees who find themselves in leadership positions often become very rigid and authoritative.
However, a good boss understands the importance of treating buy brand ambien online your team with the same respect as that of a customer. You will then be in a better position to make sound and well-informed decisions for the interest of both the staff and customers. Effective, long-lasting relationships can only be built on mutual respect.
Practice Delegation
The day to day practice of delegation can be a tough nut to crack. The issue of trust is crucial to the success of any organisation, and as both an employee and colleague, the task is to encourage healthy relationships built on honesty. By delegating tasks with constructive criticisms, your team will not only begin to trust you but will also to be more efficient when delivering work.
“Even the geniuses still ask questions.” Yes, this is true. Never stop asking questions for further your understanding and knowledge of the company’s services, products or any other vital information that can assist with your career. This can improve your attitude towards solving problems and contributing immensely to the organisation’s development. Engaging with staff across the whole organisation will be of immense benefit to both you and the company in the long term.
You can read the full article by clicking the link here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/biancamillercole/2018/12/13/top-tips-to-reach-the-top-of-your-organisation/#6a507fdd6f17