17 May 2021

positive motivational speakers


Positive motivational speakers are amazing for their passion, motivation and determination to their craft and business ventures. Positive motivational speakers have gained popularity as more companies are reaching out to positive motivational speakers to come and speak to a wide range of audiences in which they are able to share their stories and leave them inspired.


What makes positive motivational speakers so inspiring?


Positive motivational speakers are so inspiring because they are able to personalise their story and journey in a way that allows them to connect to their audiences regardless of the audiences age, gender or class. Positive motivational speakers are able to inspire and leave their audiences feeling empowered and wanting to go onto developing themselves as individuals.


Here are some positive motivational speakers that do just that!


  1. Bianca Miller-Cole


Bianca Miller-Cole is an extremely inspiring and positive motivational speaker as she speaks about different topics and successfully inspires her audiences every time, she delivers a speech.  One of her keynote topics include ‘Creating an Intrapreneurial Culture Within Your Business’. This is where she speaks about how you can create revenue from your social media, how to effectively manage your time and how to sell, grow and collaborate. She is an example of how female motivational speakers can successfully speak about their passions and experiences and help those that may need that initial push or encouragement. She is one of the best positive motivational speakers that continue to empower her audiences


  1. Dame Kelly Holmes


Dame Kelly Holmes made history in the 2004 Olympic Games as she became the second British athlete to win 2 middle distance gold medals at the same game in over 80 years. However, her journey was not always filled with success and rewards but rather she faced a career with disappointments and injuries. But her determination and passion enabled her to achieve her lifelong dream. She is also one of the best positive motivational speakers as she has a unique style of presenting to her audiences that are tailored to the individuals needs and aims to help work with them to achieve their goals.


Bianca Miller-Cole and Dame Kelly Holmes are examples of positive motivational speakers that are so inspiring in their journeys to success and how they are able to motivate and inspire their audiences simultaneously.