Career Development Planning
Career Development Planning
There are different types of career development planning, from highly structured to informal and ad hoc. But no matter how career development advice and guidance is parcelled out it is a roadmap that helps the individual chart a path toward success in their chosen field. Career development planning charts a course from where the individual is now, to where they want to be long-term and what they can do to ensure a positive outcome.
Helping You Find the Path
Bianca Miller has helped scores of talented people chart a course to their ultimate goal. Drawing from her own experience she conducts workshops on being a more effective communicator, creating an affective personal brand online, cultivating effective leadership skills, the promise and dangers of social media and many other salient topics. Her unique style of coaching and mentoring enables her clients or delegates to ask the right questions, find the best solutions and enhance their career trajectory.
Bianca believes that most people already know the answers to many of the questions they ask. What they lack is the confidence necessary to believe in those answers. So building confidence that enables the strong, decisive person within to shine forth is a crucial part of her career development approach. Certainly, she is also a font of practical knowledge, much of it born of personal experience, that she is able to impart to her mentees to help them fill the gaps in their approach to career development.

More Than One Path
Some will want to chart a course through the corporate world in order to ultimately attain a position of prominence and authority. But this is not the only type of career trajectory. Aspiring entrepreneurs also need guidance and practical, real-world advice. They need to know how to stay within themselves while making sure the next step in their journey is one that will ultimately help them reach their objective.
Bianca’s own entrepreneurial journey is an outstanding source of actionable advice. From making it to the final of TV’s The Apprentice, to being named Elle UK Female Entrepreneur Under 30, Forbes 30 under 30 and advising clients that include Google, HSBC, Accenture, AMEX, BT and more, Bianca knows of what she speaks when she speaks to the entrepreneur’s struggle. Those intent on carving out a niche for themselves in the business world will find what she has to say and the experiences she has to relate to be invaluable aids in their own career development.
Contact Bianca Miller About Career Development Planning
Whether your goal is to successfully navigate the lion’s den of the corporate office or you seek to create a personal brand that will help bring your innovative product or service to the fore in the public consciousness, Bianca Miller can help. Her lengthy list of awards and accolades are testimony to her drive, her business savvy, her ability to impress and her ability to take a dream and turn it into a brilliant reality. If you are serious about career development planning contact Bianca today by calling 02086679519, or write to,
Frequently Asked Questions
Why create a career development plan?
By taking the time and making the effort to devise a career development plan you force yourself to define who you are and what you want. Only when you have a firm grasp on those concepts will you be able to create a truly effective, bespoke plan tailored to highlight your strengths and minimise your weaknesses. Bianca will be an invaluable sounding board and mentor ensuring your career development plan is grounded in the real world and optimises your chance of success.
What are the different elements of a career development plan?
The exact components of your career development plan are likely to be different than someone else’s. That said, as a general rule the career development plan includes establishing short and long-term goals, listing areas of personal development you want to focus on and establishing both a timeframe and the mechanisms for measuring success.
Is there a right time to create a career development plan?
It mostly depends on your assessment of where you are and whether or not your current efforts are yielding, or likely to yield, the kind of results you want. If you are just making your first foray into the job market a career development plan can provide a roadmap that helps you secure the right position from which to launch your career. If you feel your career has stalled then taking the time to create a career development plan to get things moving again is always a good idea. And if you are about to launch an entrepreneurial effort, career training with Bianca can instil the confidence you’ll need to see your plans through to fruition.
Is career development the same as professional development?
While there are likely to be areas where the two endeavours overlap, the truth is there are subtle yet important differences between career development and professional development. Professional development tends to refer to a more broad-based process that includes career development as well as aspects of personal development. By contrast, career development is tightly focused on formulating steps to ensure your career is progressing as you would like it to.
Is career development the same as career growth?
This is another instance where two similar terms are often used interchangeably, but they shouldn’t be. Like professional development, career growth steps back and takes a wider view of a person’s current position and how that aligns with their desired endgame. While career development is more tightly focused on making sure you take the next right step.
Why is Bianca Miller-Cole the right person to help?
Like all successful people, Bianca sought the help of more experienced business people as she navigated her way to the top. She understands the immense value of getting timely, actionable advice from someone who’s been there. Her personal journey has provided her with priceless real-world experience which, when combined with those lessons she learned at the beginning, enable her to create a career development plan for you that will help you reach your own personal mountaintop.