- BY Bianca

‘The workshop was really interesting as she asked us lots of questions and encouraged us to speak to other people around the room.’
‘Was encouraged to talk to someone not already spoken to today, helping to build my confidence of talking to new people.’
‘At times it felt a little bit contrived, but the sessions were enjoyable and I think we’ll have the opportunity to use the skills we’ve learned in the near future.’
‘Bianca was very personable and easy to talk to and provided a lot of handy tips without being pedantic! ’
‘Bianca had a strong knowledge of personal brand and networking’
‘I’ve done similar workshops before but this was good for refreshing my knowledge before the internship properly starts.’
‘I did find there were a few key messages such as how to approach people at a networking event and your elevator pitch’
‘Really enjoyed the session with Bianca it was very interactive and lots of important information about personal branding.’
‘Loved it! Bianca was entertaining and engaging!’
‘One of the best type of sessions I’ve been to like this. Trainers enthusiasm was great’
‘I gained something which I can use in future’