13 Feb 2019

A few months ago I came across the infamous TED Talk by Ken Robinson entitled “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” I was immediately struck by the talk and began to think about it and its implications. I did a bit of thinking but it didn’t result in much. Nonetheless, I began thinking about it recently and this time I thought a bit harder. I realised that schooling systems do seem to enforce rules and subjects which may kill creativity, however that is not the fault of the schools. I also thought of particular ways that schools could combat this and immediately I thought about motivational keynote speaking. In order to promote creativity, I believe that schools ought to promote more people to speak up, thereby allowing them to inspire their fellow pupils and act as motivational keynote speakers. I think that this is not only beneficial for the individual, but also his peers, therefore I would like to explain why I think that schools can do more to produce motivational keynote speakers of their own,


The easiest way of producing motivational keynote speakers within schools is by allowing more school children to speak out and present on ideas about which they are passionate. For example, more children should be given the chance to speak during assemblies so that they can practice delivering speeches to their peers. As any motivational keynote speaker will tell you, the only way to improve your skills is through practice, therefore you should do as much as you can, whenever you can. The creative aspect of this comes with the choice of your topic. You needn’t be afraid to talk about a topic which you are passionate about; in fact you should do everything within your power to present on in it in as creative a manner as possible. In doing so, you are enhancing your creative skills, as well as allowing yourself the chance to improve your chances of being a good speaker and potential motivational keynote speaker.


I would also argue that students should be taught more about the importance of motivational keynote speakers. They ought to be educated about the ways in which they work so that they can understand the most effective method of becoming a motivational keynote speaker. Without guidance, it is very difficult for anyone to succeed or excel in their field. Therefore, schools ought to offer training to students to give them the chance to talk passionately, and properly, about something which they like. In doing so, they can spark creativity within them and also potentially create a new motivational keynote speaker.


In sum, in response to Ken Robinson I would say that some parts of school to remove creativity, but schools have the opportunity to improve creativity by allowing them to chance to be motivational keynote speakers within the school community. To get in touch or for more information on motivational keynote speakers and Bianca Miller-Cole please email bookings@biancamiller.uk  call, 02086679519 or visit www.biancamiller.uk