- BY Bianca Miller
- POSTED IN Perosonal Branding, Speaking
In the twenty-first century, ideas can easily be likened to currency and in order to succeed it’s vital to be able to present your ideas in a persuasive manner, an ability all motivational speakers have. The act of motivational speaking involves a speaker who creates speeches that are intended to motivate an audience. These speakers are often envied for their impeccable ability to motivate large audience by merely using language. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that many people want to learn how to become a motivational speaker. Books are the first place most people go to attain information and we will discuss some of the best books on motivational speaking to date.
Ted Talks are a stranger to very few people with access to the internet, and they are frequently praised for the high quality speeches which they have on offer (in particular motivational speeches). ‘Talk like Ted: The 9 Public-speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds’ therefore unsurprisingly makes an appearance as one the best books on motivational speaking. The bestselling author Carmine Gallo breaks down hundreds of TED talks and interviews many of the popular and highly respected TED presenters in order to produce what she believes are the nine secrets of all successful TED talks. Her step by step method creates an engaging way for learners of motivational speaking to memorise the key skills that they need. The book is a true delight to read and has cemented its place in history by becoming a top 10 Wall buy cheap tramadol online Street Journal Bestseller. Consequently, it makes it a great book on motivational speaking for people to read.
Motivational speaking coach Gail Larsen presents a book that takes a different approach to aid speaking. ‘Transformational speaking: if you want to change the world, tell a better story’ focuses on his proven program that ‘liberates the speaker within’. Larsen’s mixture of spirit and knowledge stretches beyond the conventional format and provides a non-conventional way for new learners to improve their motivational speaking. This earns it a place as one of the best books on motivational speaking to date.
Professor Stephen Lucas’s, ‘The Art of public speaking’ has now been fully updated for the thirteenth edition. This award-winning book offers a time-tested method to become a better motivational speaker, using precise and authoritative coverage. It is mainly designed to help students, but it is also useful to others who want to advance their motivational speaking. It prepares you for public speaking with confidence and his illustrious career is evidence of the success of his model. This make it a cornerstone for books in motivational speaking.
Whether you are addressing a nation or merely a small group at work, these books on motivational speaking can aid you to improve. There are several more noteworthy books to consider, so for more information surrounding the topic of the best books for motivational speaking please get in touch or for more information on Bianca Miller-Cole please email bookings@biancamiller.uk , call 02086679519 or visit www.biancamiller.uk