- BY Bianca Miller
- POSTED IN Voice Over
There are many types of voice over jobs for actors, with a popular one being commercial. You may notice when watching a commercial, that the voice over stands out and can make the commercial more engaging which highlights the importance of having an excellent voice over. Having the right voice over actor for a commercial is key as it is about trying to find someone that can spread the advertising message in the correct character and tone.
With many larger companies, specific voice over actors are regularly used across various commercials, which they then become associated with the brand as there is an overall identity formed.
There are many factors taken into consideration when hiring voice over actors for commercial purposes. The first factor is having an actor that is versatile. This is because commercials require actors with different set of tones, so it is important that there is a range of voice acting showcased in order to be successful in being hired as a voice over actor. Another factor includes how the voice over actor can help deliver the message of the commercial successfully to the audience.
There are many different ways you can develop your skills if you want to become a voice over actor for commercial purposes. Because even though you may have a good voice, it doesn’t mean you can become a voice actor, there are ways you can practice by building up your skills first. Ways to develop your skills include:
- Constantly read aloud – read magazines, books and other materials. It is important to practice every day, focusing on the way you say every word. You want to make sure you are not just reading but performing.
- Record your voice when reading – recording yourself will be useful as you are able to listen back to your voice over recordings and make notes of the things you need to improve on.
- Do vocal exercises – this will help improve and control your voice. Make sure you include a range of vocal exercises everyday including sitting up straight and pushing your shoulders back as well as reciting tongue twisters.
These are just a few exercises you can do to prepare yourself before going onto marketing yourself as a commercial voice over actor. In order to become a successful voice over actor you need to build up your own portfolio showing your range of work you’ve done. It is recommended you also sign up to get a talent agency to represent you in order to get your work exposed and recruited as a commercial voice actor.