06 May 2020

There are many different types of voice over actors websites and this blog will quickly explain all the different options. This will be useful for you if you are a voice over actor and unsure which voice over actors websites to sign yourself up for.


The first are general freelance peer to peer website platforms. These are websites that provide a platform for all kinds of freelance work, which can be quite overwhelming. The idea of these websites is simple: you sign up and make a profile in which then you are directly connected with potential clients. The types of projects found on these websites are usually much smaller and which is why agencies are usually never involved as it is simply providing services between the voice over actors and the client. The potential customers you come across on these websites usually do not want to pay a lot for your voice over acting services. These platforms are usually a great starting point when looking for voice over actors websites as it is an opportunity to expand on your portfolio by taking on different smaller projects.


Another kind of platform are specifically voice over actors websites which are also freelance peer to peer. To utilise these voices over actors websites, they take a percentage of the jobs that are posted by voice over actors. The hiring process usually involves voice over actors auditioning their work so that they can appear on the platform. If you are on one of these kinds of platforms you can generate a substantial amount of revenue through client work and subscription revenues. There is a level of security as usually clients need to pay immediately through the platform which gives you comfort as a voice over actor that you will be paid! There are several successful voice over actors websites on the internet for you to browse and explore which might be the best fit for you.


Another kind of voice over actors websites are studios, agencies and production companies. Many of those established all started out as studios that focus on specific industries. These platforms provide a completed and managed service. So, if you are someone that is not comfortable producing the audio by yourself then you will hugely benefit from the assistance of an agency. The best way to approach them is to submit a portfolio showcasing your work and if you are successful you will be provided several jobs which they will get into contact with you.


So, these are just a few different voice over actors websites platforms available to you, so now it is about doing your research and seeing which one is the best fit to your position as a voice over actor.


You can get in touch with Bianca and her team by Email: bookings@biancamiller.uk  or Telephone: 02086679519